Reporting Crime and Anti Social Behaviour

17th of August, 2020

NOT Reporting Crime and Anti Social Behaviour in Whalley is making matters worse.

At the January 2020 Meeting the Parish Council, Police, Borough Councillors and members of the public spoke about the impact of not reporting crime was having on the area. Whalley continue to suffers problems of anti social behaviour caused by young people and adults often linked to the nightime economy.  Unless people report the Police assume there is not a problem and resources will not necessarily be allocated.

If you encounter crime or anti social behaviour reporting these are the appropriate channels to report it;

  • If a crime is happening now call 999 immediately
  • Is someone's life in danger?
  • Is there an immediate risk of violence to the person, or damage to  property?
  • Is a suspect still at the scene or nearby?
  • Is a serious offence in progress?
  • Call 999

Reporting a crime online, useful if number 101 is busy and it often is.

You can report by using:

Crime stoppers - 0800 555 111

Crime stoppers are charity dedicated to stopping crime ensuring you are totally anonymous.

Noise Nuisance and fly tipping is the responsibility of Ribble Valley Borough Council. If Ribble Valley Borough Council is not meeting your expectations you can contact your Borough Councillors Ged Mirfin, David Berryman and Mark Hindle.

Action Fraud -  0300 123 2040

You can report fraud or cyber-crime to Action Fraud any time of day or night using their online fraud reporting tool.  You can also obtain advice on fraud or cybercrime by calling this number.

None Emergency - 101

You can call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example, if:

  • Your car has been stolen
  • Your property has been damaged
  • You suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood -