Cancellation of Whalley Parish Council Meeting Thursday 17 June 2021

11th of June, 2021

It is with regret, due the rising COVID infection rate Whalley Parish Council has taken the decision to cancel the meeting in June 2021.  Under existing legislation Parish Councils must hold physical meetings.  We are unable to...

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Postponement of the Whalley Parishoners Meeting Thursday 10 June at 7.00pm

7th of June, 2021

Due to the rising COVID infection rates, Whalley Parish Council has taken the difficult decision to postone the Whalley Parishoners Meeting.  We hope this can be rescheduled later in the year when the risk is lower. Please accept ou...

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Next Whalley Parish Council Meeting - Thursday 17 June 2021 at Whalley Old Grammar School 7.30pm

3rd of June, 2021

The next meeting will be held at Whalley Old Grammar School. Due to COVID restrictions there are a limited numbers of places for the public. To help us manage the numbers wishing to attend it would be helpful if you contact the Clerk on 07712 7252...

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Publication of Section 1 Annual Governance Statement and Section 2 Accounting Statements 2020/21

3rd of June, 2021

Each year Whalley Parish Council hast to submit an annual return of financial matters referred to in the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.

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Whalley Parish Council Planning Committee 20 May 2021 at 7.15pm

13th of May, 2021

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